Legendary Dragon

Legendary Dragon
Dragon on a Cliff

Friday, January 7, 2011

Komodo Dragon Facts

Here are a few facts about a real-life dragon--the Komodo dragon!

1. The Komodo Dragon is the largest living lizard. It is in the Monitor family.
2. It has a poisonous bacteria in its mouth and on its scales as well. The Komodo dragon uses this bacteria to hunt and kill its prey.
3. This pathogen bacteria can be found mostly only in the mouths of wild Komodo dragons, but sometimes not in the mouths of captive ones, due to a cleaner diet and the use of antibiotics.
4. Komodo dragons usually grow to be 150 lbs in the wild, but the largest wild specimen weighed at least 370 lbs! (That is one danged big lizard!)

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