Legendary Dragon

Legendary Dragon
Dragon on a Cliff

Thursday, May 5, 2011

More Dragon Pokemon

These Pokemon aren't actually Dragon-Types, but they either look a lot like dragons, or they just can learn a few Dragon-Type moves. So in a way, they probably should be Dragon-Type Pokemon. Anyway, check them out!

Name: Charizard
Type: Fire/Flying
Abilities: Blaze
Possible Moves: Flamethrower, Wing Attack, Dragon Claw, Fire Fang
Pokedex Description: Breathing intense, hot flames, it can melt almost anything. Its breath inflicts terrible pain on enemies.


Name: Charmander
Type: Fire
Abilities: Blaze
Possible Moves: Flare Blitz, Metal Claw, Fire Fang, Dragon Rush
Pokedex Description: The flame on its tail indicates Charmander's life force. If it is healthy, the flame burns brightly.


1 comment:

  1. I GOT THESE CARDS TODAY!!!! no joke!!! :D i got charmander, charmerion and charizard pokemontrading cards today! :D

    yeah, i collect pokemon cards cuz im just that cool haahahahahahha!!

    well, ttyl! :)

