Legendary Dragon

Legendary Dragon
Dragon on a Cliff

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Dragon Poem

Hello, followers. I recently wrote a poem about dragons and how humans perceive them. Check it out!
It's called "Creatures of Legend". 

"Creatures of Legend"

Dragons have been told of in tales for years
As creatures of darkness, creatures of fears
For centuries, we've portrayed them as dark and evil
But what is actually true of these creatures medieval?

Dragons are creatures of mystery and wonder
Creatures that capture our attention like thunder.
In a sense, dragons are like wolves, just misunderstood
So it's possible that they are actually creatures of good.

Some dragons are more aggressive than others,
But they may also be social and live with their sisters or brothers.
But even though dragons' personalities vary
One thing's for certain: they're truly shy and wary

Should we keep perceiving dragons as creatures of evil
Or should we end this dreadful assumption primeval?
If dragons are anything like wildlife today, they're just trying to survive
So banish our former way of thinking and let good assumptions of dragons thrive.


1 comment:

  1. awesome and cute poem! :)

    actually, dragons were real! :D

    well, im a christian, and in the bible it says that dragons once roamed the earth! :) kinda like dino's! haha XD

    i personally think that they are good, just missunderstood :) hey! that rhymes! haha! :)

    c ya! :)

