Legendary Dragon

Legendary Dragon
Dragon on a Cliff

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Pet Dragons

Check this out, everyone! Looks like Hiccup and his friends from How To Train Your Dragon aren't the only ones with dragons as pets. Did you know there is a type of lizard you can keep as a pet called the Bearded Dragon? They're pretty cool pets, if you ask me. Here's a few neat  facts about them:

 Bearded Dragon lizards are native to Australia. They live in rocky and arid regions of the country and are adept climbers. Dragons have large, triangular heads and flat bodies with pointed ridges along the sides. They are omnivorous, eating both insects and plants.

Bearded Dragons make great pet lizards. They don't get too large, they eat a wide variety of foods, are active during the day, and are gentle animals. Bearded Dragons are captive-bred, have limited care requirements, readily available, and inexpensive. They can be a great addition to your family.


  1. This so funny! I have one of those bearded dragons (his name is iggy) and he reminded me of night fury too!
    Smiles: )


  2. i love lizards!! :D i was practicly obsessed with them last year! hahaha! :)

    God bless you! :)

