Legendary Dragon

Legendary Dragon
Dragon on a Cliff

Friday, April 22, 2011

Dragon Species: The Deadly Nadder

Description: One of the most beautiful dragons in the world is the Deadly Nadder. It is easily recongized by the bright blue body and brilliant yellow spikes that cover it from head to tail. This colorful dragon is active any time of the day or night. Nadders are quick and agile in the air, and can fly for long distances, but will almost always land before attacking. Nadders travel and raid in groups, making them especially dangerous. The Deadly Nadder isn't the largest or fastest dragon, but it possesses the hottest fire int he dragon world. The blast of the Nadder can melt steel or turn a man to ash in seconds. But the dangers of the Nadder don't stop there. The tail of the Nadder can be whipped around, releasing a volley of giant spikes that can penetrate trees, walls, and Vikings.

Personality: It is flightty, aggressive, and has a quick and explosive temper.  Its vanity is evident in the generous amount of time it spends preening itself.

HAH! Factor: If you stand right in front of a Nadder's nose, it won't be able to see you. Don't sneeze!

AHH! Factor: Without warning, the prickly Nadder can whip hundreds of sharp spines at you from its tail. Better play nice.

1 comment:

  1. i have an old mcdonalds toy of this dragon! XD hahaha! :) this dragon is, like, soo cool, dont ya think?! :D


    Ill follow ur blog if thats ok with you :)
